Welcome to the City of Tracy Citizen Self Service Portal!


Notice to Customers

General Billing Customers:  Please visit us at our new payment portal!

General Billing

or to make a one-time payment at:

One-time Payment

ALL CUSTOMERS;  You can no longer make changes to Credit Card based Autopay on your account while we make changes to the system.  To cancel credit card based autopay, please call Customer Service at (209) 831-6800.

We apologize for any inconvenience. 

New Ways to Pay Your Utility Bill

Beginning in April, the City of Tracy will be launching a billing and payment system featuring:

  • PayPal, PayPal Credit, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay digital wallets
  • Pay by eCheck
  • Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express credit and debit cards
  • In-store cash payments at Walmart, Dollar General, CVS, and more

Payments can also be made via AutoPay or 24-hour interactive voice response system, and one-time payments can be made without creating an account.


Contact customerservice@cityoftracy.org or visit our website at https://www.cityoftracy.org/our-city/departments/finance-department to learn more